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    Foxes dig underground dens where they take care of their kits and hide from predators.

    Foxes use about 40 different types of calls to communicate with each other.

    Foxes are mostly active at night.

    A male is called a ‘dog fox’ while a female is called a ‘vixen’.

    Arctic Foxes don’t shiver until –70 degrees Celsius.

    Even though foxes are related to wolves, jackals and dogs, they have more in common to cats.

    Foxes seem to use the Earth’s magnetic field to track down their prey.

    What does a fox say?

    Foxes have excellent hearing, they can hear a watch ticking 40 yards (36.5 meters) away.

    Foxes show great caring, adaptability and intelligence when raising their young.

    Foxes hide food to eat later.

    Foxes can run up to 40 miles per hour (65 km/hour)!

    Like cats, foxes have vertically oriented pupils, which help them to see in low-light situations.

    Foxes can live everywhere – in the countryside, cities, forests, mountains and grasslands.

    Female foxes are pregnant for about 53 days only.