Privacy policy


Fox-Aero S.R.L. retains all rights associated with being the principal author, owner, and administrator of We respect and abide by a strict confidentiality policy for all information provided through our website and all of the affiliated links--- including any and all personal information provided.
The foregoing policy will describe the processes and modus operandi associated with the collection, storage, utilization, and terms of disclosure for the personal information that is solicitaed from clients. Furthermore, this agreement will describe the implemented security measures that are in place to protect our clients.
We greatly appreciate the trust that has been placed in us by our clients and respect that the information provided is of a sensative nature. We treat each client’s information with the utmost care, regardless of whether they are utilizing our services for the first time, or are our loyal customers. We also encourage that all users familiarized themselves with our policies. 
By using our platform, all individuals, including potential clients, agree to our terms of service and enter into a contractual agreement with Fox-Aero S.R.L.

Data Controller

Fox-Aero (herein refered to as we, us, or “”), in this agreement, operates under the Limited Liability Company “Fox-Aero”, registered in the country of Republica of Moldova, in the year 2017, with the registration number of 372809, with fiscal code 1017600047950, with code TVA 0308741. 
Fox-Aero is the „data controller” for all the information collected from clients, personal or otherwise. The information will only be utilized in only for processes that are known to us and in strict accordance with with the laws regulating personal informatipon under law 133 of 08.07.2011 of the Republic of Moldova.

What Personal Information Do We Collect?

Personal data refers to any information provided by the client which would allow for the client to be readily identified, such as name, contact information, reservation confirmation numbers, payment details, log-in details for the site, or the any information provided in the process of reserving an airline ticket. This information will be protected no matter the manner in which it was provided, whether it was provided through the phone with our Customer Support Representative, by email, or when creating a personal account on the website.
In general, the personal data that is requested and collected (directly or indirectly through our trusted partnerships) are required in order to allow our customers to make all travel arrangements and reservations. 

 Below, the categories of information collected are enumerated:

  • first and last name; Permanent address; E-mail address; phone number; identification number of and expiration date of passport or ID; credit or debit card information or other payment information.
  • detailed information about the buyer (the person who pays for the services rendered, with the buyer often being one of the passengers) and the passenger (the person who will utilize the services directly) such as: first and last name, nationality, date of birth, details related to ID documents.
  • medical conditions of passengers with special dietary requirements or special medical needs;
  • information related to the preferences associate with travel of the passengers to be saved to your Fox-Aero personal account. We will also store the username and password of these accounts.
  • the history of recent searches, trips, flight information, and any and all additional services requested in connection with the booking of these flights. 
  • information about purchased products and services through our trusted partners;
  • all relevant communication history between us and the client, whether they be directed to us by letters, emails, calls, chat services, social networks, or any and all other forms of communication which have not been listed. 
  • information about our clients use of our website or app(s). 
  • location related information and services, including real-time geographic location of your computer or device through GPS, Bluetooth, IP address, or other means, if and when the client allows access through their device or computer through location services. 

Personal data that may be considered “sensitive,” such as physical or psychological health, alleged commissions or prior commissions of infractions, etc., will be processed, in accordance with applicable law, only with the explicit consent of the client or if the data was intentionally or deliberately made public.
In the event that payment is made by the buyer on behalf of another passenger, the former must obtain explicit consent from the latter for the use and transfer of personal information and travel preferences to us.

Where Personal Client Information Is Used

Personal data that has been obtained will be used for, but not limited to, the following purposes:

  • for the creation and utilization of a user account for the website. The information provided will also be used to maintain the users account by allowing access to the customers previously inputed information as well as their user prefrences for previous conditions and travel prefrences.
  • to provide services and solicited products through the website, as well as process transaction, or to modify information previosuly provided for air travel and trips.
  • to contact clients and customer sin the event of changes to their scheduled flight, cancelations, or other unforseen circumstances that may affect their trip. We will expidite the sending of the mentioned information and any changes that are made or to be expected. These notices are of an informational nature, not a commercial or soliciting nature, and therfore will not have the unsubscribe feature. 
  • for administrative, legal, and internal operations, we may use the customer data for, but not limited to, statistical analysis, marketing, quality assurance, system testing, customer satisfaction surveys, resolving claims or disputes, managing of information systems, accounting, invoicing, autiditing, and for fraud prevention. We advise that for statistical and marketing analysis it will be necessary to profile the data, but this will only be done with the prior consent of the client. By providing the necessary personal information, the client agrees to the use of the provided personal information for profiling purposes, and thereby provides and ackowledges their consent. The profiling will be done in accordance with the Privacy Policy.  
  • to respond to customer inquiries, whether they were made through out Customer Support Service or other means, and to for the improvment of our user services and customer experience with our services and products
  • to inform clients of special promotions , studies, contests, campaigns, special flight schedules, personalization of services offered, travel information, or other travel opportunities, whether they be from us or through our tursted partners. As these offers are of a soliciting nature, customers will be able to opt out of such notifications either at the end of the booking process, or through changes in their account settings on the website.

We advise that only individuals who are 16 years young or older may give their consent. Any individuals who are below that age must have a parent or legal guardianship permission and company. 
The customer’s personal data that has been provided will not be kept or stored for longer than is necessary to fulfill our obligations to the client, or for other purposes that the client has otherwise consented to. In order to determine the period of information retention, several factors will be considered, including but not limited to, quantity of information, nature and sensitivity of personal data provided, purposes for which it was processed, etc. If it is determined that the information is no longer needed, the information will be deleted or destroyed in a manner which ensures anonymity and severs any association with the client’s identity.

Terms of Disclosure and Transmission of Personal Data

Personal information which has been provided during the utilization of Fox-Aero services may be shared with foregoing third parties for the purposes that have been outlined in this privacy policy:

  • travel service providers such as, but not limited to, airline and transport companies, hotel and lodging providers, global booking systems (often referred to as GDS), insurance companies, tourism agencies and agents, and any and all other companies involved in the development of tourism products and services which are offered by Fox-Aero LLC.
  • credit and debit card issuers and payment processors. This information sharing is aimed at facilitating service payments to our company, as well as to prevent fraud, which may require information about the selected payment method and booked flight to process the payment or to ensure the security of the transaction(s)
  • legal counsels, courts, and other law enforcement agencies, so that we may enforce our reserved rights in relation to the contractual agreements with clients, as well as the participation in due process, or the demonstration of legitimate interest and rights, or to protect against lawsuits or other cases provided by law. 
  • social media, in the event the client accesses our service through a social media account. The information obtained will be provided with the consent of the client and in accordance with the privacy policy and settings of the user, with the purpose of improving and personalizing the user experience of our site. Our website may also utilize social media plug-ins, which, if utilized, may share certain data with the social media provider, and therefore may be visible on their social media profile. We encourage all clients that utilize these services to review the terms and conditions of the privacy policy associated with the third-party social media platforms so clients may be up to date on practices and procedures.  
  • other Third-Party Vendors: contains hyperlinks to other websites and serves content from other third-party vendors. We advise clients that we do not control the information that users provide to third parties and we advise that we do not retain any liability for said information. By utilizing our services, the user agrees to indemnify Fox-Aero from any liability related to the misuse by third party. Furthermore, Fox-Aero is not responsible for any personal information that is posted by other parties, be it the user or otherwise, on public or open spaces on the internet, such as, but not limited to forums, chatrooms, blogs, etc. By utilizing our services, the client agrees to indemnify Fox-Aero from any liability associated with such revelations or exposures. 

Security of Personal Information

In order to protect our customers personal data against possible loss, destruction, or accidental damage, we utilize and adhere to the strictest standards and protocols for e-commerce security. Our website passes the necessary tests and has international certifications of data protection that are standard within the industry. Regardless of the payment method, all payment pages are protected via SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology, which is the industry standard level of security that is used to protect credit card information and personal data when transferring information over the internet.

Cookie Policy

Our website and webpage utilize cookies – small text files which are transferred to the hard drive of the user - which helps identify the browser as a pervious user, helps us monitor the visits to our webpage, webpage performance and features, and effectiveness of advertisements and emails (this is accomplished through the analysis of accessed messages and user interactions). 
The utilizations of cookies help us enhance and improve customer service, provide a more personalized experience, collect user interaction information and statistics, and to increase the level of security associated with the use of this website.
The cookies that are used do not detect any information stored on the user’s computer and are not allowed access to files on the hard drive.
Most user’s browser settings are set to automatically accept cookies as a standard. However, if the user wishes to change these settings, they may access, change, reject, and delete the associated cookies by clicking the help button on their associated browser. Users may change their cookie settings on almost any browser with options often consisting of configuring your browser to reject any new cookies, notifications associated with cookie uses, the manner in which the browser deals with all cookies, or the manner in which the browser is to deal with new cookies.
However, we advise clients that if they refuse to use cookies, certain features or programs associated with the website’s operation may not be fully available to the user and may diminish the user experience of the website. Furthermore, some of the website’s information may not be fully displayed to the user. 

User’s List of Rights as it Refers to Security and Protection of Data

In accordance with the applicable data protection laws that have previously been mentioned, user of have the following rights:

  • to request information about whether we have personal data about the user or client, the kind of user data, and the purpose of and manner of storage or use of the data.
  • to request access to the personal information of the client that we manage and the manner in which we process said data.
  • to rectify or otherwise modify personal information which may be incorrect or incomplete about the user. This includes any data that was previously inaccurate. Furthermore, the client has the right to change their personal data through the “Fox-Aero” account settings and tabs. Please note, however, that such information will only correct information for future reservation but will not alter the information provided for already existing reservations or bookings. 
  • to request that data associated with the user be deleted insofar as there is no longer any legitimate or good reason to continue their storage or processes.
  • to oppose the processing of personal information in association with direct marketing via unsubscribing from our newsletter
  • to oppose or refuse automatic decision making on the client’s behalf, including the analysis of the user’s profile
  • to oppose the transfer of data in an electronic structure from the client to or from another party
  • to limit the processing of personal data of the client
  • to refuse further sharing of personal information associated with he client or user, unless there is a legitimate interest or exception that has may be established in connection to the information.

If the user wishes to exercise any of the above listed rights, or has additional questions regarding this privacy policy, or the manner in which we process personal data, the user is welcome to contact us in writing at the following e-mail addresses: or 
There are no fees associated with the exercise of the above-mentioned rights. However, in the event that Fox-Aero makes a determination that the users request for access is clearly unfounded, is exaggerated, or places undue burden on the company in order to complete the request, Fox-Aero reserves the right to charge reasonable fees associated with the request, or otherwise refuse to comply with the request. It should be noted that the determinations will be made on a case by case basis and will be made with respect to the totality of the circumstances. 

Modification of the Confidentiality Policy

Fox-Aero reserves the right to modify the agreement and its privacy policy unilaterally and without any consultation or prior notice to the users and clients for the purposes of improving the quality of services and to comply with any current and future legislation. For this reason, we kindly ask that users periodically check and re-read the contents of this page of the website so that they may stay up to date and informed on the manner in which we utilize their information